Puff Adders in GURPS

Bitis sp.

Puff adders are stocky vipers found in Africa and Arabia. Many species grow quite large, and can inject an incredible quantity of venom. When disturbed, they alternately inflate and deflate their bodies to produce a hissing or puffing threat display. Large species will move in a rectilinear fashion, by "walking" with their belly scales. Despite their heavy bodied, terrestrial nature, they can climb well and are not uncommonly found well up in trees. Primarily nocturnal.

The largest and most deadly puff adders are listed below. The default species listed in the main table is a common puff adder.

Species Typical venom Size Range Habitat Notes
Potency Type Typical Maximum
Common puff adder, B. arietans potent hemo 10
necro 7
algesic 10
1 kg 6 kg Southern Arabia, throughout Africa except the Sahara and the Congo. Most commonly rocky grassland, but any habitat except true desert, jungle, or mountains. More fatalities than any other African snake.
Gaboon viper, B. arietans medium hemo 10
necro 7
algesic 10
4 kg 12 kg South coast of west Africa, Congo rainforest, DR Congo, northern Zambia, scattered populations along southeast coast. Jungle, forest, woodland, thickets, plantations. Placid. Commonly trust to camouflage for protection rather than moving out of the way, consequently more likely to be stepped upon. Bold, contrasting markings make for effective camouflage in the leaf litter of the forest and jungle floor.
Rhinoceros viper, B. nasicornis mild hemo 10
necro 10
algesic 10
500 g 2 kg West and central Africa. Jungle, and forest. Cluster of horns on nose. Bold contrasting markings for camouflage in leaf litter. Generally placid, although less so than the Gaboon viper. May strike without warning, and in any direction irrespective of the direction the snake is facing. Loudest hiss of any African snake. If held by tail, can still turn and strike the hand that holds it.

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