Quolls in GURPS

Dasyurus sp.

Quolls are cat-like, civet-like, or weasel-like dasyurids with a red coat spotted with an irregular pattern of large white dots. They have long, flexible, muscular bodies and quick and agile motions. They are often called native cats, presumably because of their size, build, agility, and predatory nature, although the only relation they have with cats is the fact that both are mammals.

Quolls are nocturnal, and mostly solitary. They spend most of their time on the ground, but are capable tree climbers who hunt much of their prey in the trees. During the day, they den in burrows in the ground, hollow logs, hollows in trees, or rock piles.

Hunting quolls stalk their prey, then pounce on it and kill it with a bite to the skull or the back of the neck. They are primarily carnivorous but will occasionally eat fruit. The larger quolls may take medium sized mammals including large possums, wallabies, and, in recent times, rabbits, while smaller quolls eat small prey animals such as lizards and insects. Quolls are also scavengers, and will break into human garbage containers to feed.

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