Aye-Ayes in GURPS

Daubentonia madagascariensis

Aye-ayes are bizarre-looking lemurs from Madagascar's forests and jungles. They have large staring orange or green-yellow eyes, tall but narrow snouts with rat-like buch teeth, enormous ears, elongated spidery fingers, and a very long bushy tail. They are nocturnal, explaining the large eyes. The rest of their features results from their unique diet. They are omnivores, eating nuts, fruit, nectar, seeds, mushrooms, and small animals, but their favorite and most important food are beetle grubs. These grubs burrow into trees. The aye-aye will tap the tree with the claws on its fingers and listen for echos with those large ears. When they detect a grub, they use their rat-like incisors to chew a hole in the wood and then insert one of their long spindly fingers into the beetle burrow to skewer it and drag it out.

Aye-ayes move through trees by making a series of vertical leaps. They are solitary foragers, although they occasionally socialize with their neighbors.

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