Hares in GURPS

Lepus sp.

Hares are fast running lagomorphs which live alone or in pairs. In North America they are called jackrabbits. They take shelter in a shallow depression scraped out of the ground or a nest of flattened grass called a form. Young hares, called leverets, are born fully furred with open eyes and able to move about and fend for themselves. Parental care is usually limited to night-time nursing until the leverets are weaned. Hares are nocturnal and crepuscular. Frightened hares will freeze in place flattened close to the ground. If this fails they rely on a speedy getaway, running with great speed in an evasive zig-zag pattern. During the mating season the bucks will fight by striking with their paws and feet. Does will use the same methods to fight off amorous bucks if they are not in the mood.

Hares can be found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. Some of the better known species are listed below.

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