ST 0      DX 10      IQ 5      HT 11     

Basic Lift 0 kg      HP 0      FP 11      Will 10      Per 12     

Weight kg      SM -INF      Length NAN m

Basic Speed 5.25     
Basic Move 7
Water Move: 7(10 top speed)

Bitenil cut0
Ram or Tailnil cr0

-0 Tough Skin

Advantages: Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Hearing; Doesn't Breathe (oxygen storage, ×100); Enhanced Move 0.5 (water); Night Vision 6 (only under water); Peripheral Vision; Perk (Auto-Sleeper); Perk (Light Sleeper); Pressure Support 2; Scanning Sense: Sonar (reduced range 800 m); Sharp Teeth; Speak Underwater

Disadvantages: Bad Sight 2 (Motion Sensitive); Icthyoid; No Sense of Taste/Smell (smell only, can taste); Quirk (Red-Green Colorblindness); Restricted Diet (carnivore); Wild Animal

Features: Born Biter 3

Skills: Brawling - 12; Intimidation - 10; Stealth - 10; Survival - 12; Wrestling - 12

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